As they eat, the grass is eroded as though it were trampled, gradually depopulating their pasture if it isn't large enough.

Livestock require a steady diet of grass in order to avoid starvation. Livestock feed on them like they do on normal grass. Moss and fungi, tiles similar to grass, appear in subterranean biomes they will grow on underground soil and muddy floors after a cavern has been breached. Ergo, a mess of dwarves milling about your entrance will wear away all the grass, eventually, while a dragon does it with every step.) Grass erosion is also affected by grazing animals and fire. Dwarves have default grasstrample, which is 5. As dwarves and other creatures walk over it, they have a chance (determined by the value of the token) of eroding it down to the base soil, on which trees and plants cannot grow. Its growth can indicate the impending growth of a tree. Grass can grow on most above ground soil and tends to spread quickly, as can be found by channeling an outdoor area. Grass is a type of plant found in any biome that supports vegetation and is necessary to feed grazing animals.