to be embarrassed at this Christmas season by a thief but you can give back. If you catch up with the wounded pagan, or come across any other humans, don't kill them. Which of the following idioms might describe the villagers act of. Following a blood trail alone in a dark, unfamiliar place can be difficult, so see if you can find a map or some other information about where you are.Follow the blood trail to find out where his ultimate destination is. In a world of steam robots and cameras Garrett will have to face a new opponent - Sheriff Gorman Truart, a. There is some blood on the ground, and it's probably from the wounded pagan who's carrying Mosley's letter. Thief II: The Metal Age gives you a chance to revisit the dark streets of the City, now changed by the Order of Mechanists, a new cult which has embraced many of the followers of the fallen religion of the Hammerites.Along the way he finds several letters between Mosley and the pagans, which reveal that Sheriff Truart was hired by the Mechanists to kill him. Upon going through another large portal he eventually finds himself once again in The Maw of Chaos, where Garrett once defeated the legendary pagan god known as The Trickster. Along the way he finds that a pagan village has been occupied by Mechanists who seem to have embarked upon a campaign of extermination and have murdered the villagers. Garrett follows the trail of blood to find out where the pagan has gone, although he has no idea where he is or what he will be up against. Thief 2 The Metal Age Review The best stealth game of all time KIRK COLLECTS 21.7K subscribers Subscribe 694 19K views 2 years ago thief thief2 thief2review A retro review of. The portal deposits Garrett in a grove of trees far outside the city.